Golden Member
加入日期: Jul 2000 您的住址: 北中南走透透
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人生幸福公式:H=f^4,食物、樂趣、朋友及家人 |
2012-05-21, 09:24 PM
加入日期: Apr 2004
文章: 527
F-22 操作的問題 F-22 值得注意的事故 |
2012-05-21, 09:55 PM
加入日期: Apr 2004
文章: 527
In November 2011, a Pentagon study team identified the following 13 areas of concern that remained to be addressed in the F-35: 1. The Helmet mounted display system does not work properly. 2. The fuel dump subsystem poses a fire hazard. 3. The Integrated Power Package is unreliable and difficult to service. 4. The F-35C's arresting hook does not work. 5. Classified "survivability issues", which have been speculated to be about stealth. 6. The wing buffet is worse than previously reported. 7. The airframe is unlikely to last through the required lifespan. 8. The flight test program has yet to explore the most challenging areas. 9. The software development is behind schedule. 10. The aircraft is in danger of going overweight or, for the F-35B, too heavy for VTOL operations. 11. There are multiple thermal management problems. The air conditioner fails to keep the pilot and controls cool enough, the roll posts on the F-35B overheat, and using the afterburner damages the aircraft. 12. The automated logistics information system is partially developed. 13. The lightning protection on the F-35 is uncertified, with areas of concern. 資料來源 |
2012-05-21, 10:46 PM
加入日期: Apr 2004
文章: 527
2009 年時一架 F-22 的 flyaway cost 為 1.5 億美元 2012 年時一架含武器系統的 F-35A 的 flyaway cost 為 1.97 億美元 2012 年時一架含武器系統的 F-35B 的 flyaway cost 為 2.377 億美元 2012 年時一架含武器系統的 F-35C 的 flyaway cost 為 2.368 億美元 資料來源︰維基英文版 |
2012-05-21, 11:13 PM
加入日期: Apr 2004
文章: 527
PAK FA PAK FA 的座艙罩為兩片式而非一片式 一片式座艙罩的匿蹤性優於兩片式 目前的戰機只有 F-22 及 J-20 採用一片式座艙罩 |
2012-05-21, 11:55 PM
加入日期: Mar 2012 您的住址: 該邊探偵事務所
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原來還有這差別...學到一課了 |
2012-05-21, 11:57 PM
Elite Member
加入日期: Jun 2001 您的住址: 地球
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PAK FA還在早期階段, 贏得競標時的XF-22跟現在的F-22也是差很多的, 現在還在研發階段的機種以後會變成什麼樣誰也說不準
~愛由一個笑容開始,用一個吻來成長,用一滴眼淚來結束。 當你出生時你一個人在哭,而所有在旁的在笑,因此請活出你的生命, 當你死的時候,圍繞你的人在哭而你便是唯一在笑。~ |
2012-05-21, 11:59 PM
加入日期: Apr 2004
文章: 527
2012-05-22, 12:29 AM
Golden Member
加入日期: Jul 2000 您的住址: 北中南走透透
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人生幸福公式:H=f^4,食物、樂趣、朋友及家人 |
2012-05-22, 12:46 AM
加入日期: Feb 2011
文章: 255
也必須看座艙罩上的玻璃 F22有鍍膜 J-20還沒有 |
2012-05-22, 09:58 AM