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電車多點選擇又不會死 比亞迪做的好 價格壓下來 大家都有利啊! |
2023-07-08, 02:01 PM
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亂台反民主塔綠斑綠共廁液神經錯亂洗板假帳號集團:jerry20530 |
2023-07-08, 02:05 PM
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原來台慘車這麽爛呀 難怪一直拿美國車救援自 慰 |
2023-07-08, 03:01 PM
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讓我們再次感謝pcbd兄台提供Focu2Move的數據 |
2023-07-08, 03:03 PM
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pcbd兄這麽喜歡TrendForce的數據 那我也轉一篇TrendForce跪舔中國的數據 TrendForce:預估 2023 年中國品牌在西歐新能源汽車市場市占率提升至 9% 2023 年中國品牌在東南亞新能源汽車市場的市占率將達到 63% Chinese Car Brands Aggressively Expanding Overseas, Projected to Penetrate 9% of Western Europe’s NEV Market by 2023, Says TrendForce In a bold move to disrupt the automotive industry’s dominance by European, America, Japanese, and Korean giants, Chinese car brands are aggressively expanding overseas, unleashing their decades-long influence and expertise onto new territories. While gasoline cars still dominate exports, the tides are turning rapidly. NEVs accounted for a staggering 25% of Chinese auto exports 1Q23, establishing them as the focal point for future global expansion, according to TrendForce's report "An Analysis of the Overseas Expansion of Chinese Car Brands". TrendForce observes that China’s early and comprehensive development of its NEV industry, combined with an unrivaled supply chain and abundant production capabilities bestows the industry with a formidable advantage. Moreover, Chinese battery manufacturers have harnessed the power of cost-effective LFP technology and secured access to lithium resources worldwide, ensuring optimal cost control and component stability for Chinese automakers venturing abroad. Western Europe, a stronghold of international automotive players, is firmly in the sights of China’s NEV expansion, especially given its clear timetable for phasing out fossil-fueled vehicles. As Western Europe grapples with soaring inflation, Chinese NEVs, renowned for their affordability and intelligence, perfectly cater to the market’s demands. Meanwhile, Southeast Asia, an emerging market with low NEV penetration, presents another enticing opportunity. Among Southeast Asian nations, the strategic focus is on Thailand—a beacon of growth. TrendForce predicts the market share of Chinese car brands in Western Europe’s NEV market is projected to surge from 6% in 2022 to an impressive 9% by 2023, led by SAIC Motor’s flagship brand, MG. In Southeast Asia, despite the relatively low NEV numbers (in the tens of thousands), Chinese brands currently reign supreme owing to their early inroads into the region. The 2023 forecast shows Chinese automakers commanding an impressive 63% market share in Southeast Asia’s NEV market, posing a significant challenge to the long-standing dominance of Japanese automakers in the region. Yet, venturing into a new market demands substantial investments. Establishing showcase centers, after-sales service systems, and charging infrastructure, as well as complying with local regulations all come at a cost. The key to Chinese car brands achieving success on the global stage lies in their ability to maintain a competitive edge while shouldering these additional expenses. *Note: NEVs include battery electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). 再次感謝pcbd兄台提供TrendForce的數據 此文章於 2023-07-08 03:14 PM 被 rcack 編輯. |
2023-07-08, 03:09 PM
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已撤销了两天前由包括特斯拉在内的16家车企签署的《公平竞争市场次序承诺书》 这份承诺书原本要求车企不能随意降价 は疑是对盈利较低的车企的一种保护。 此次撤销は疑是对特斯拉的巨大利好! 这将使特斯拉可以继续利用其价格优势来扩大市场份额! ....................................................................... 難怪特斯拉簽署後隔天 立刻搞推薦碼促銷降價7500人民幣
復製貼上真好用 什麼叫認知作戰? 就是他們讓你以為只是因為政治立場不同在爭執 但核心的部分是他們想掩蓋他們的真實社會面 只要吵就會模糊了焦點 ................................ 看看板上有多少五毛 |
2023-07-08, 04:48 PM
加入日期: Jan 2017
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支那牆內賣得嚇嚇叫,一出牆外面跟狗屎一樣被人臭嫌,會笑死。 糞車也只有留在台灣的舔仔想買...但舔仔業績太爛又買不起,口憐喔.! |
2023-07-08, 07:48 PM
加入日期: Jan 2017
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byd 六月熱騰騰德國銷售數據出爐囉 沒看錯,就是63台byd,佔比0.0x% 銷售第一 VW賣 53210台, 笑翻我了.....這要比甚麼LP? |
2023-07-08, 07:54 PM
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當年 摩托車是出口暢旺沒錯 太陽能也是如此沒錯歐 只是中國廠家太貪心, 一直不願意從基礎改善, 其實只要中國政府願意持續補貼, 如出口一台新能源汽車, 補貼10萬人民幣,年年這樣, 遲早其他外國車廠都會倒閉。 中國汽車就雄起了
1234567890 |
2023-07-08, 07:55 PM
加入日期: Feb 2006
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又係補貼 |
2023-07-08, 08:01 PM