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Sight and Sound Directors' Top Ten Poll 2002 (導演票選)

1. 大國民 Citizen Kane, 1941 (Welles) => 公版DVD
Dazzlingly inventive, technically breathtaking, Citizen Kane reinvented the way stories could be told in the cinema, and set a standard generations of film-makers have since aspired to. An absorbing account of a newspaper tycoon's rise to power, Orson Welles' debut film feels as fresh as tomorrow's headlines. And he was only 26 when he made it.

2. 教父/教父續集 The Godfather and The Godfather part II, 1972/1974 (Coppola) => 正版DVD, 派拉蒙發行, 協和代理
Few films have portrayed the US immigrant experience quite so vividly as Coppola's Godfather films, or exposed the contradictions of the American Dream quite so ruthlessly. And what a cast, formidable talent firing all cylinders: Brando, De Niro, Pacino, Keaton, Duvall, Caan. Now that's an offer you can't refuse.

3. 八又二分之一 8 1/2, 1963 (Fellini) => 公版DVD
Wonderfully freefloating, gleefully confusing reality and fantasy, 8 1/2 provides a ringside seat into the ever active imaginative life of its director protagonist Guido, played by Fellini's on-screen alter-ego Marcello Mastroianni. The definitive film about film-making - as much about the agonies of the creative process as the ecstasies - it's no wonder the movie is so popular with directors.

4. 阿拉伯的勞倫斯 Lawrence of Arabia, 1962 (Lean) => 正版DVD, 哥倫比亞發行, 得利代理
Filmed in the desert in lavish widescreen and rich colours, Lawrence of Arabia is David Lean at his most epic and expansive. You can almost feel the waves of heat glowing from the cinema screen.

5. 奇愛博士 Dr. Strangelove (Kubrick), 1964 => 正版DVD, 哥倫比亞發行, 得利代理
A black comedy about impending nuclear annihilation that was made at the height of the cold war, Dr. Strangelove is perhaps Kubrick’s most audacious movie and certainly his funniest. Peter Sellers has never been better, and provides good value playing three roles.

(未完, 待續..........)

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舊 2002-09-08, 06:21 PM #3