As such they have become specialists in street fighting. A month before they were dispatched into Kursk, some of the unit were sent to England where they underwent a few days of training alongside British soldiers. A major focus of the training was raids on high-rise buildings
就看雙方後續表現 , 對烏軍來說奇襲被堵住後不退就是下重本的豪賭 , 對俄軍來說反正臉都丟了 , 圈起來玩大逃殺拖越久頓巴斯越好推 , 而且本來高價值目標躲起來要花時間找 , 現在自己跑到控制線附近比較好清 , 這幾天已清掉3座愛國者發射器及1台雷達車 , 1台IRIS-T , 3台海馬斯.
1台海馬斯在51°03'33.8"N 35°01'43.0"E...