作者Double A
And now you know something about them~
I always like to put it to the test and see the results.
Never just by estimating; there is no fun in that.
I am not being rude.
I am tellling the truth.
Before judging me, think about what have you (whoever wants to make judgement) done?
最近把富二代送上火線, 經歷過一周的嚴重失敗後, 我坦白地列舉了那個人的不適任.
(評論要有證據基礎對吧? 但沒有測試, 哪來足夠的證據, 所以就任偵測一次 XD)
當然, 沒有決定是否開除的權力, 但對於一個已經離職的人來說, 我也無須擔心報復了.