看到巴哈有人提到新版12V-2x6在sense pin有改短,這個改進頗重要,可以避免未完全插入卻仍供電。
sense pin縮短1.5mm,避免沒完全插緊卻仍有導通的可能
Another change is the 150W setting on the sense pins. In 12VHPWR, when both sense pins are open, the maximum power is 150W. In the new connector, the open-open scenario will change to 0 watts! For the 150W setting, Sense0 has to be shorted to Sense1.
舊版12VHPWRsense pin沒接固好仍可傻傻供電150w,新版直接0 瓦,安全機制變嚴格。