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# 通用汽車不想被蘋果或google綁住,而是找紅帽合作,并希望其他廠家一起摒棄蘋果或google

通用汽車加大力度通過統一的汽車標準為客戶帶來無縫的軟件體驗 2023 年 4 月 27 日
《轉貼》General Motors announced today that it is joining the Eclipse Foundation, one of the world’s largest open source software foundations. It has also contributed “uProtocol” as a starting point for greater standardization, enabling increased software productivity across the automotive industry that can lead to easy-to-use, software-enabled customer experiences. This protocol aims to speed up software development by streamlining the creation of software that is distributed across multiple devices within vehicles as well as across the cloud and mobile.

GM will participate in the Eclipse Foundation’s Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) Working Group, which is focused on accelerating innovation of automotive-grade software stacks using open source and open specifications developed by and for a growing community of engineers and member companies. Collaborators on GM’s Ultifi software platform including Microsoft and Red Hat, as well as multiple other automakers, participate in the group.

Red Hat To Provide Linux Base For GM’s Ultifi Platform May 10, 2022
《轉貼》When General MotorsGM +1.3% first announced its new Ultifi vehicle software development platform last October, it revealed that it would be based on the open source Linux operating system but provided few other details. Today at the Red HatRHT 0.0% Summit, it was announced that long-time Linux developer Red Hat would be providing its In-Vehicle Operating System to the automaker. The Ultifi platform is planned to launch in 2023.
舊 2023-05-02, 05:32 PM #8361