查了一下, 賴小姐這種"自然醫學營養治療師"...
基本上, 這都不是正規醫療訓練、考試取得證照的...
1. 根治療法是低醣/生酮飲食的一種變形方式。低醣/生酮飲食與其它飲食治療法相比,在同時搭配運動的狀況下,體重和血糖在一年的成績差異不大,而在血脂的部份有比較好的表現。但是它並沒有壓倒性的勝過其它飲食療法。
2. 減脂勝過減重,單純靠節食減重而不運動,減下來的多半是蛋白質而不是脂肪,對身體危害其實更大。前面提到的低醣/生酮飲食的療效都是搭配運動一起來,並沒有單純使用飲食治療。許多用根治療法的宣稱自己沒運動就減下來,其實這對自己身體傷害更大。
3. 減重必須看一年以上的成效。因為身體對於體重下降會有反彈作用,在長期來說會讓自己更想吃東西而造成體重增加,這叫溜溜球效應,這對身體危害更大。因此只看三個月的減重成果是完全錯誤的觀念。這對身體健康沒幫忙。
4. 血糖震盪理論是錯的理論,身體的腎上腺只有在低於65以下才會啟動,而不是如賴宇凡宣稱的在正常範圍的下限(70以上)就啟動。因此,以血糖震盪理論推理出來的正常人必須量血糖來完成震盪理論的實踐,完全是不必要而且浪費錢的作法。一般人在實行低醣/生酮飲食時,根本不需要血糖監控。
5. 賴宇凡對於低血糖的處置完全是錯誤的觀念,避免高糖食物可以避免糖尿病患者在高血糖後血糖下降過快。但是在低血糖發生當下,必須馬上給予高糖食物來矯正低血糖,否則對糖尿病患者會有生命危險。
6. 賴宇凡和信徒對於低血糖和餓肚子完全搞不懂,低血糖是低血糖,餓肚子是餓肚子。正常人頻繁發生低血糖時是要診斷找出潛在疾病,而不是進行飲食控制,那對低血糖處置不僅沒幫忙,反而還會延誤病情。
7. 賴宇凡對於醣化血色素的觀念也是錯的很離譜。使用糖化血色素做糖尿病的診斷和監控都有條件限制。在懷孕中的醣化血色素,只能做為監控指標,不能做為診斷工具。可是賴宇凡在她新書中認為可以當診斷工具,很明顯的她對於糖尿病的基本觀念錯的很離譜。還會誤導一般人。
8. 我不知道是哪來的錯誤觀念說慢性病就一定要吃藥。糖尿病高血壓等在發現早期,積極的生活習慣改變(飲食加運動),很多都不需要使用到藥物。我的病人中有好幾位都可以只靠生活習慣改變就保持好的慢性病控制。
"賴宇凡定居美國,是獲得美國營養治療協會(NTA,Nutritional Therapy Association)認證的自然醫學營養治療師" 看起來好像很威...
營養治療師 ≠ 營養師
所以我只針對營養治療師的訓練作評論,首先營養治療師非台灣營養師,也不是美國註冊營養師(registered dietitian),美國的營養治療師由營養治療協會(national therapy association)所發出的,又分成Nutritional Therapy Practitioner(NTP,比較貴)和Nutritional Therapy Consultant(NTC),並非美國FDA或者美國營養學會等等官方組織認證,也並未經過美國紮實的醫院實習,
學費:5,400 USD 約等於台幣 18萬 (NTC只要3,900 USD)
教學方式:教材函授 + 工作坊
原文附於底下,簡單來說就是一個 #三個月的函授課程,報名後會寄書、影片等等教材到你家,讓你自己讀,之後必須參加10天的實體工作坊(但還可以請假達8小時,約1天的工作坊),再通過期中考、期末考、寫作業就可以拿到認證....
📎About the NTP Program
The Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP®
Program couples the flexibility of self-paced, online study with the benefits of instructor-led conference calls and three in-person workshops. Students will receive access to comprehensive learning materials, reference documents, and video and audio lectures through NTTConnect, the NTA’s online learning management system.
📎NTP Course Requirements
Course requirements consist of module-based homework and quizzes, book reviews on required texts, a community outreach project, a series of client-practitioner exercises, a midterm exam (written and practical), and a final exam (written and practical). To take the course, students must have reliable, high-speed Internet access and be comfortable working in a primarily online environment.
During the Instructor-led conference calls, students will review the audio and video lecture materials and join in class discussions that complement the curriculum. In addition, students may schedule individual phone conferences to clarify any questions about the course or curriculum during instructor office hours. Students can also ask questions and hold discussions in the online forums.
📎In-Person Workshops
The 3 mandatory workshops (10 days in total) include hands-on instruction in the NTA’s unique Functional Evaluation and Lingual-Neuro Testing process, diet and lifestyle assessments, review of course material, and midterm and final examinations (both written and practical). Students can only miss a total of 8 hours of workshop hours (the equivalent of 1 workshop day) to receive NTP certification. If more than 8 hours are missed, students must make up the hours by arranging to attend another workshop (permission from both Lead Instructors is required) or paying a Lead Instructor for private tutoring at their standard hourly rate.
📎NTP Certification
Upon completion of the program, passing the midterm and final, and completing all homework, one will be certified as a “Nutritional Therapy Practitioner”™ by the Nutritional Therapy Association, Inc.®. Note that a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner does not diagnose or treat disease, but instead makes nutritional recommendations for balancing the body and promoting optimal wellness. NTPs are approved by the NTA as a certifying organization, but are not licensed or certified by any state. Please check with your state for specific information on licensing requirements.