- 音效討論區
- - 請教擴大機的輸出接法
我現在用的是上圖的這台,想要只用他的DAC然後輸出到一台純擴 雖然他寫Line out其實是Pre-out看好幾個評測都是這麼說 再來是輸出到這一台我預定想買的一台擴大機 由於上面的combo機只能RCA輸出,所以只能RCA輸出到這台擴大機 再來是我的最大的疑問,如果我走RCA輸出然後輸出到這台純擴 那我耳機還能插平衡孔嗎? 還是平衡孔就沒用了? 我得再另外買一台可以接平衡的DAC再接到擴大機嗎? |
https://drop.com/buy/drop-thx-aaa-7...tions#questions 剪貼如下: iatsbohdan 198 MAY 16, 2020 If my DAC only has RCA output and I connect it to this amp, and then connect my headphones to the XLR out of the amp, will it work at all, or do I need to use XLR inputs to get XLR output to work? Ind if it will work, will I get 200mW @300 Ohm output for the single-ended output because of my single-ended input, or will I still get 800mW @300 Ohm output? 4 Answer bookmark_border more_vert Ursavior 40 Keyboard Club Member SEP 20, 2020 It will work and you will get the Balanced output wattage as long as you plug into the balanced output. It doesn't matter how it got the source. |
太感謝了,我在翻Q&A的時候沒看到這個提問 :cry: :cry: |
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