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abc111 2009-10-08 02:29 AM

我也加入來玩玩了, 反正最近趕工, 程式性質的關係, Q9550只能用到一核, 就把剩下的CPU榨乾來跑WCG計畫吧 ^0^

我是跑Slackware 12.2的, 用Nvidia的顯示卡, 想要用GPU加速, 有去下面的網址下載Nvidia的CUDA Driver來安裝
但是裝最新的CUDA 2.3有問題, 所以就改裝CUDA 2.2

不過... 我不確定是否有效就是了, 不知道怎麼看, 反正就是裝好讓他跑囉... :laugh:

abc111 2009-10-08 03:11 AM

看來好像真的有用到GPU加速, 原本機殼靠近顯示卡附近頂多熱熱的, 現在快要到燙的程度了, 得加強散熱了... :jolin:

SHINN 2009-10-08 10:23 PM

看來好像真的有用到GPU加速, 原本機殼靠近顯示卡附近頂多熱熱的, 現在快要到燙的程度了, 得加強散熱了... :jolin:


abc111 2009-10-08 10:56 PM


小弟是剛加入的生手啦... :ase
跑的應該算是WCG, 今天凌晨懵懵懂懂就這樣加入, 設定好系統開始跑下去...
跑到早上起床還發現程式不知道跑到啥時當掉, 不是系統當掉喔... :p

SHINN 2009-10-09 01:31 AM

建議CPU跑WCG,GPU跑Folding@home. :)


abc111 2009-10-09 08:38 AM

建議CPU跑WCG,GPU跑Folding@home. :)


謝謝大大說明, 小弟現在清楚了
找了資料, 發現在Linux要用GPU跑Folding@home, 似乎是要另外裝Wine, 透過Wine這個介面來讓Folding@home使用GPU運算
晚上下班後再來試試看 :)

Raziel 2009-10-09 09:36 AM

歡迎加入WCG的行列喔~ :cool:

SHINN 2009-10-13 01:26 AM



All of the remaining work units have been returned. We will be informing the researchers so they can check to make sure everything is back on their end. Many thanks to all of our members!


所有 CEP(乾淨能源) Phase 1 的wu都已經運算完成,並已回傳運算結果。

SHINN 2009-10-13 08:09 AM


Dear Clean Energy Project Crunchers,

As you have probably seen on the forums, the last of the work units for CEP1 have been run, returned, and validated! We have been so fortunate to work with IBM on this project and to have the help of the many many WCGrid users worldwide who have contributed their computer time.

Phase 1 was run to establish a method to determine how molecules stack together in a crystalline form. With 2000+ years of computational time donated to this project, we now have a huge number of molecular structures to use for statistical studies of how solar cell materials are affected by packing structure (density and contacts with neighboring molecules) and temperature. We still have a long way to go to analyze the results of all the work units, but we have already seen promising results in both model development and the diversity of packing arrangements that are represented in the almost 2 million results that WCGrid users returned.

As you may have heard from the forums, the second phase of the Clean Energy Project is currently in preparation and will hopefully be deployed by the end of the year =) In this upcoming project, we will be calculating the electronic properties of tens of thousands of molecules and screening them for characteristics that might be good for solar cell applications. We have asked IBM to keep CEP1 in the "intermittent" stage so that we can use the packing simulation method we developed in CEP1 on these promising new materials.

Thank you again for all your help on this project. This is way more computer time than we would have access to on a standard supercomputer and we are very excited about the impact of grid computing on the scientific community. We truly couldn't have done it without you!


Leslie, Roberto, Roel & Alan
The CEP Team

CEP2 預計年底開始,

Raziel 2009-10-13 10:08 AM

Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2 Emerald badge accomplished. :)

SHINN大的badge hunting進展也是超神速的啊~ :flash:

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