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SHINN 2009-10-06 12:02 AM

¸Ü»¡¨º­ÓBOINCstatsºô¯¸¤W, BOINC@Taiwanªº¶¤¥î­º­¶³Q§ï¦¨¬Y­Ó¤Hªº(¬Fªv©Ê)³¡¸¨®æ
´N¥ý§ï¦¨DC clubªº­º­¶~



ExtremeTech 2009-10-06 12:13 AM




SHINN 2009-10-06 12:16 AM



pls2 2009-10-06 12:30 AM


«Øij¥ý¤£­n¦Û³Ð¹Î¶¤, §ï¥H´M¨D¤w¸g¦s¦bªº¹Î¶¤¨Ó¥[¤J¤ñ¸û¦n, ¨ä¹ê±M®×¼Æ¶q¦³­­, µ¥¾ã¦X±µªñ§ÀÁn«á, ¦A¨Ó·Q¿ìªk§Î¦¨¦@ÃÑ

¥t¥~,Raziel¤j¤j¦n¹³¦³³Ð¤@­Óboinc-wide team, ¤£ª¾¥i¤£¥i¥H±q³oùؤU¤â, ¤@³Ò¥Ã¶h

Raziel 2009-10-06 01:00 AM

­ì¥»BOINC wide teamªº¥Îªk, ¬Oµ¹¦P¤@­Ó¤H(¦Pmail address)³Ð¥ß¦h­Ó±M®×¶¤¥î®É,

¥i¥H¥Î¨Ó¦X¨Ö²Ö­p¸óBOINC±M®×¸sªººÞ²z¾÷¨î. §Ú¨Ï¥Î¨Ó¾ã¦X©Ò¦³¥xÆW¶¤¥îªºBOINC­p¤À,

¦ý¬O¦U±M®×³Ð¶¤ªº¤H¤´¤£¬O§Ú, ¦Ó¬O¦U¸ôªº¥ý¶i«e½ú, ©Ò¥H§Ú¤]¨S¦³ºÞ²zÅv.

¤p§Ì¤]¨S¦³¥ß³õ­n¦U­Ó±M®×³Ð¶¤¶¤ªøÂಾ/¤À¨ÉºÞ²zÅv¥X¨Ó, ©Ò¥H¥i¯à­n§ä¨ä¥Lªº¤è¦¡¨Ó¶i¦æ. :think:

SHINN 2009-10-07 12:10 PM



We have starting a new BETA test for the next phase of a project. This phase is the next in Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together. This particular BETA is for the type A work units for this project/phase. You will see that some of the graphics are limited but this is due to the way graphics are designed. Also, there is a limited 440 work units that are going out for the type A's. There will be other BETA's that follow as we will need to test all of the types. Note: For this BETA half of the work units will run about 10 times shorter than the others, this is so we can get some initial results back to make sure things are working.

Project work unit description.

There are three major types of work units for this project. We describe these as being type A, B, and C.

How to tell which type you have...You can tell if you have a type A by the work unit name. Near the end you will see something like *_ps0000. The ps is for the type A's. pe and se are for type B's. Type C's have more sq, sd, sr, pq, pd, pr, pc, pl.

Type A - These work units are the largest of the work units for this project. These work units will run for an estimated 50 hours on average. This means that there will be some work units that run for possibly 100 hours. These work units also have the largest upload requirements as they will upload about 20MB of files back to the servers. The will check point 50 times in a run, so this means it could be an hour between checkpoints. The memory requirements for this type is also around 1.75GBytes. Now that i think most of the bad news is done, the good news is these work units will be the fewest in numbers and i will explain later.

Type B - There are 2 branches the se and pe. The pe branch will have larger input files, meaning they will be downloading about 20 MB per work unit. The good news is these work units last about 5-10 hours in runtime with many more checkpoints in the middle. We have not determined the memory requirements for these but it should be less than the type A's.

Type C - This is where a bulk of the project will be run. Again, the pq, pd, pr, pc, pl branches will have the larger downloads in comparison to the other. These downloads will be again near 20MB. These work units will be the shorter of the work units with runtimes near 2-4 hours each. Also many more checkpoints in the middle.


«Â¤O±j¤jªº DDDT Phase 2 BETA (type A)
ÁÙ­n¹w¥ý ¼·1750mbªº°O¾ÐÅé ¥B »Pserver¶¡¦³384.00 kbpsªº¤U¸ü³t«×¤~¤¹³\±µ¦¬wu....


¤@¤Ñ¤º¿ù8­Ówu¡A·|³Qserver ¼È®Éban±¼¡A¤£¤¹³\¦¬·sªºwu.......

¤p§Ì¤µ¤Ñ´N³QBan¤F2¥x4®Ö¤ß.... :jolin:

Raziel 2009-10-07 01:55 PM


¤@¤Ñ¤º¿ù8­Ówu¡A·|³Qserver ¼È®Éban±¼¡A¤£¤¹³\¦¬·sªºwu.....

¤£¥Î©È, ¦h¦¬¤U¨Óªºbeta DDDT WU, ¤@¦¸¥u³]©w¶}±Ò¤@­Ó¨Óºâ, ¨ä¥L¼È¤î.

¦A¦h¨Ó³£¨S¦b©Èªº°Õ~ :flash:

Zuchen 2009-10-07 04:19 PM


SHINN 2009-10-07 09:25 PM

¤£¥Î©È, ¦h¦¬¤U¨Óªºbeta DDDT WU, ¤@¦¸¥u³]©w¶}±Ò¤@­Ó¨Óºâ, ¨ä¥L¼È¤î.
¦A¦h¨Ó³£¨S¦b©Èªº°Õ~ :flash:

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server·|¦V¨ä¥L¦¬¨ì¦¹¦P¤@Beta WU°Æ¥»ªº¾÷¾¹¡A°w¹ï¸ÓWU°e¥X"Server Abort"°T®§¡A
±µµÛÁÙ¨S¹BºâªºBeta WU´N³QServer±j¨î¦^¦¬¤F..

©Ò¥H¼È°±Beta WU¤â°Ê¶}±Ò¤@¦¸¹Bºâ¤@­Óªº¤èªk¡A

¤p§Ìı±oÁÙ¬Oµ¥DDDT P2 Beta Type Aµ²§ô¦b¶}©l¹Bºâ¤ñ¸û¦n¡A

SHINN 2009-10-07 10:42 PM

DDDT P2 Beta Type ¤S¦³ª¬ªp¤F

³o¦^¬O"Aborted by project"

¸ò¤§«e"Aborted by Server"ªº°T®§¤£¤@¼Ë¡A
¥i¯àType A¨ú®ø¤F..

©Ò¦³ªº®É¶¡§¡¬°GMT +8¡C ²{¦bªº®É¶¡¬O12:59 AM.

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