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- 顯示卡討論區
- - Folding@home 設定 功耗測試 與 WCG 複合測試
v8.3 終於移至正式版啦!
Folding@home Client Changelog ============================= ## v8.3.17 - Fixes for account (un)linking and node changes. - Fix for repeated "No active" exception. Folding@home Web Control Changelog ================================= ## v8.3.18 - Use broadcast messages to detect account config changes. ## v8.3.17 - Fixes for account (un)linking and node changes. 下載:https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/ 推特:https://x.com/foldingathome/status/1805977441737031992 |
鐵匠大實在是太厲害了! 隔空抓藥 一年前你說這張 3080 需要重新上散熱膏,我都覺得不用擔心...因此也沒處理 上週我下載黑神話悟空來測試,結果畫面感覺每一到兩秒就會停頓一下,但是顯示的fps 都在70-80... 換了驅動程式,再測試幾個遊戲也都一樣畫面會卡頓.. 我把 記憶體有 8GB *2 換成 32GB *2 也是依樣卡頓 把原本主機C槽用了10年的 128GB SATA SSD 換成 M2 Gen4 1TB 也是依樣會卡頓. 最後是把這張卡 拿起來換成 RTX 3060TI 才發現卡頓的狀況消失了! 然後 FPS 還是我原本 RTX 3080的一倍... 這時候我才確認是顯示卡出問題 今早送去技嘉新店的維修中心, 十點送件,下午兩點就來電告知說維修完成可以來取回了! 我去取件時,客服人員說工程師把散熱器拿下重新上散熱膏.... 原本只要跑遊戲或是 f@h 時那狂暴的風扇聲都消失了... 竟然就只是散熱膏的問題! 就造成這麼多狀況... |
剛剛爬考古文 這樣的渲染農場也要一個禮拜看能不能破70萬分 |
v8.4.9 正式版釋出,這次 beta 了個超久。
下載:https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/ 代碼:
Folding@home Client Changelog ============================= ## v8.4.9 - Recommend ``nvidia-opencl-icd`` package on Debian install. #293 - Attempt graceful shutdown of client in Windows installer. #290 ## v8.4.8 - Delay Windows shutdown until F@H has shutdown gracefully. #290 - Fix crashing on Windows. re: #278 - Use all DNS servers. #304 ## v8.4.7 - Pause group after 5 consecutive lost WUs. #305 - Ensure WU is saved to DB in case shutdown Windows kills the process. #290 ## v8.4.6 - Attempt more graceful shutdown in Windows. - Increase clock skew detection threshold from 15s to 5m. - Fix call to open Web Control URL on startup. - Require ``polkitd-pkla`` on Debian. - Handle ``CORE_RESTART`` return code correctly. - Fix data dir permissions in Windows. ## v8.4.5 - Don't allow invalid machine name option. #282 - Track WU end state. - Clear WU retry count after WU has run successfully for some time. - Set WU final WU progress correctly. ## v8.4.4 - Acquire client DB lock on startup. #269 - Added ``fahctl`` command line client control script. #119 - Added package dependency on libexpat. #266 - Ignore exit code of killed or crashed cores. - Delay next WU after failure. - Log error if core does not produce any log output. ## v8.4.3 - Start Linux client after DNS service. (Marcos Mello) ## v8.4.2 - Fixed DNS bug. #257 - Reduced ETA updates. - Prevent negative ETA. ## v8.4.1 - Log machine and group ``pause``, ``fold``, ``finish`` changes. ## v8.4.0 - Don't add client install path to ``PATH`` when running cores on Windows. - Added disable CUDA option. - Added system HTTP proxy support. No config necessary. - Automatically set machine from account settings. ## v8.3.18 - Windows installer fixes. Folding@home Web Control Changelog ================================= ## v8.4.9 - Show ``Warning`` when more than one consecutive WU fails. - Validate login and registration fields and show errors on failures. - Show appropriate message on attempt to register existing account. ## v8.4.7 - Show "Failed" message on group paused due to too many failed WUs. - Highlight group or machine with error (red) or warn (orange) on failures. ## v8.4.6 - Handle missing teams array. - Unit progress fixes. ## v8.4.5 - Fix Windows OS icon. #194 - Clear WU fail/retry status after successfully running for 2 mins. #196 - Confirm click on team website link. - Set default team logo in team editor dialog. - Automatically add ``https://`` to team URLs. - Added edit icon to team stats for team owner. - Retain WU tab state. #198 ## v8.4.4 - Include finishing WUs in total PPD. - Removed ``Work Unit Averages`` replaced with ``Work Unit Stats``. - Added WU filtering and stats on ``Work Units`` page. - Show OS icon on ``Work Units`` page. - Show state specific wait status text. ## v8.4.3 - Hide scrollbar in full screen mode. - Moved global fold/pause buttons out of header. - Show machine, CPU, GPU and PPD totals on machines page. - Team logo and homepage link in header. - Account settings split in to multiple tabs. - Team creation and editing via account settings. - User avatar. - Prevent saving invalid account or machine settings. ## v8.4.2 - Fixed client version checking. - Fixed GPUs display with zero GPUs. - Fixed Work Unit Details timeout / deadline text. #161 - Use monospaced font for info items. #110 - Show logged credits in WU view. - Fixed RCG display before WU download. #165 - Change direct client address hotkey to CTRL+SHIFT+L. #166 - Added direct address dialog input validation. - Prevent negative ETA. #167 - Added help on Work Units page. #169 - Show WU Average resources. #169 - Removed WU Average total run time. #169 - Removed double scroll bar on WU page. #169 - Sortable Work Unit Averages. - Show machine name instead of WU number in WU history. #160 ## v8.4.1 - Fix ``Finishing`` display bug. - Updated auto-link dialog wording. - Fix ``Base Credit`` display. - Fix GPU description display. - Fix scrollbar problem with wide mode on Chrome. ## v8.4.0 - Configurable WU columns. #128 - Moved dark/light theme selection to account settings. - Show WU TPF. #43 - Support wide display. - Support compact mode. - Moved machine unlink and name editing to machine settings. - Show "target" icon next to directly connected client. - CTRL-C to change direct client address. - Improved log view performance for very large log files. - WU history. #133 - Added WU TPF benchmarking information. #153 - Show ``Unlinked`` if machine is not linked to the logged in account. - Show info dialog when auto-linking occurs. - Confirm machine unlinking. - Added disable CUDA option. - CTRL-C opens direct client connection dialog. - Added per WU log button. #125 ## v8.3.18 - Added notice about Brave browser. |
我的GTX1070從EVGA送修回來後就撐三年 漸漸的散熱膏乾掉 GPU溫度頂破80度 不要相信原裝散熱膏會給你用甚麼頂天的 現在的RTX4070用了3/4年 要觀察 |
高溫環境下原廠膏一年就是極限了,我是半年就會換掉。懶得常換可以用持久一點膏的例如 MX-4/5,我用了3年打開狀態還是很好。 |
以前3系列都是GPU瓦數吃好吃滿 現在新顯卡GPU loading 92% 耗瓦不到140瓦 我這張卡是預設220W上限 如果是挖礦就直接到頂吃滿220W |
應該說是4系列的TGP放比較寬 所以整個Boost機制之下大部分應用很難跑到TGP上限 比較傾向於跑到設定的最大Boost時脈 照前幾代的方式則是設定到讓你的顯示卡跑大部分的應用都是頂到TGP上限再決定頻率 我的RTX4070理論200W 大部分都只跑到150W~160W 只有Furmark才會頂到200W 而夏天去降TGP也最多降到120W 再往下核心會降頻不成比例不划算 GDDR6X還是空吃很多電 但是記憶體降頻我也試過,記憶體降頻就很明顯影響F@H跑分 一點都不能降 |
才吃100瓦左右,裝兩張4070S,我的POWER也夠用 |
所有的時間均為GMT +8。 現在的時間是04:13 AM. |
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