- 七嘴八舌異言堂
- - [轉撥] ASN今年有一卡車的 NFL 比賽...
L 大 你最近看球不累嗎 :laugh: 有空記得去驗個血壓量個心電圖 ;) |
扯蛋了,下半場在沒有Gronk+防守回魂+擒殺虎後半段防守沒力,NE 又逆轉勝,這場看得比去年SB 還緊張,前面Dion Lewis 那個fumble 我以爲Pats 去了了,嚇死我了:laugh:
That's the first fumble lost by Dion Lewis this season. The Patriots are 3-3 in the playoffs since 2001 when trailing by 7+ points entering the 4th quarter They've won each of the last 2 - Super Bowls XLIX and LI. This is Tom Brady's 4th career playoff win as a starting QB after trailing by 10+ points in the 4th quarter. No other quarterback in NFL postseason history has more than 1. Teams Trailing by 10+ Points in 4th Quarter in Playoff Game - Last 10 Seasons Patriots: 3-4 Rest of NFL: 3-70 很少看到Belichick 在還沒比賽結束這麼興奮就和下個球季有可能離隊去當獅隊HC 的DC 兩人抱在一起,重點是我今年又有超級杯可看 :D Tom Brady & Bill Belichick will be making their 8th Super Bowl appearance as a quarterback-coach duo, as many as any other team (excluding the Patriots) in NFL history Patriots will be the first team with 10 Super Bowl appearances. |
公司年底才剛健檢完,還正常,下次就不知 :laugh: |
NFC Champ
另一邊國聯冠軍賽全聯盟防守第一維京人就沒那麼神,漏洞百出,進攻也失誤連連,2個turnover 都造成傷害,上半場24-7 老鷹領先
31-7 差24分,維京人馬上把Randy Moss 空運到場上應該也沒救,咦?去年有隊差25分最後贏球 :laugh:
就是不要再讓愛國者打進超級盃 把到名模的都該死 拜託拜託 已經講好幾年惹 |
又是愛國者了 :o :o :o |
愛國者讓半場超級TE也贏,老鷹讓個四分衛還是一直贏 ... 真是一頭霧水 :flash:
Tom vs Time
把自己當明星在拍,這下反Brady 還是反愛國者隊又要崩潰了 :laugh:
Follow Tom Brady’s journey on Tom vs Time, premiering Thursday, January 25th at 12PM EST, only on Facebook Watch. Chapter 1: Thursday, 1/25 Chapter 2: Sunday, 1/28 Chapter 3: Tuesday, 1/30 Chapter 4: Thursday, 2/1 Chapter 5: Sunday, 2/4 首集:The Physical Game https://www.facebook.com/tomvstime/...81108082122933/ |
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