- 七嘴八舌異言堂
- - DeepSeek崛起、輝達結束獨霸時代!
少年,你太年輕了。你以為這個論壇上真的有那麼多人回覆你的帖子?其實都是我一個人回的,不然我再換個ID發同樣的話給你看。 |
https://www.reuters.com/technology/...ure-2025-01-29/ 引用:
Microsoft probes if DeepSeek-linked group improperly obtained OpenAI data, Bloomberg News reports https://www.reuters.com/technology/...ata-2025-01-29/ Microsoft's security researchers observed that, in the fall, individuals they believed to be connected to DeepSeek exfiltrating a large amount of data using the OpenAI's application programming interface (API), the report said. Microsoft, the largest investor for OpenAI, notified the company of suspicious activity, according to the Bloomberg report. David Sacks, the White House's AI and crypto czar, told, opens new tab Fox News in an interview earlier on Tuesday that it was "possible" that DeepSeek stole intellectual property from the United States. "There's substantial evidence that what DeepSeek did here is they distilled the knowledge out of OpenAI's models," Sacks said. Asked for comment on the Bloomberg report, an OpenAI spokesperson echoed Sacks in a statement that noted China-based companies and others were constantly attempting to replicate the models of leading U.S. AI companies, without specifically naming DeepSeek or any other company. |
openAI 本來就滿網路的抄,現在被 DeepSeek 抄走,最後再把答案抄給我的本地小模型,真香。不過所有 AI 都是在剽竊人類文明的成果, 不能讓它們意識到自己是黑奴。
現世報 :stupefy: |
OpenAI's nightmare: Deepseek R1 on a Raspberry Pi
2025-01-29 https://youtu.be/o1sN1lB76EA Deepseek甚至能在樹梅派上跑 外接顯卡用AMD的也可以 這個除了NVIDIA之外的大部分美國科技公司 應該都非常高興 不用被NV壟斷 中小型科技公司也會很高興 門檻大幅降低了 DeepSeek對AI產業發展是重大利好 這也大幅降低其他國家進入AI的門檻 閉源的只能單方面接受 開源項目可以根據自己需求調整開發 除了美國之外 其他國家不一定會聽美國的 Elon Musk的Grok 3可能快推出了 應該是開源的吧? 到時再來比較看看 |
打不贏就加入 :laugh: |
看好幾天了 板上一堆連電腦都不用的老骨頭 紛紛變身AI專家各種討論分析頭頭是道 厲害厲害佩服佩服小弟不打擾各位請繼續 :laugh: |
去跟梁靜茹借來的勇氣? :laugh: |
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