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SHINN 2009-06-16 01:59 PM

Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together 這幾天收不到wu..

supstring 2009-06-23 12:48 PM

上星期當機使F@H WU 全歸零... :stupefy: 且是離開沒多久當的... :jolin:
Vista x64 藍屏錯誤代碼結尾記得是50...不知是啥問題...
不知有沒設定使它在Memory dumping 完後關機?!
就在出門後沒多久當機白白運作幾個小時...而且天氣很熱 :nonono:
索性把安裝了兩個月的BONIC 拿起來執行... :ase
之前沒運作是因為看到介面很困惑...怎跟看別人的貼圖不一樣?! :jolin: 而且還要先登入...
F@H 只剩用4670 隨性地慢慢龜了... :ase

Raziel 2009-06-23 11:04 PM

上星期當機使F@H WU 全歸零... :stupefy: 且是離開沒多久當的... :jolin:
Vista x64 藍屏錯誤代碼結尾記得是50...不知是啥問題...
不知有沒設定使它在Memory dumping 完後關機?!
就在出門後沒多久當機白白運作幾個小時...而且天氣很熱 :nonono:
索性把安裝了兩個月的BONIC 拿起來執行... :ase
之前沒運作是因為看到介面很困惑...怎跟看別人的貼圖不一樣?! :jolin: 而且還要先登入...
F@H 只剩用4670 隨性地慢慢龜了... :ase

CPU除非是有VT功能的多核心, 加減還可以掛VMware跑Ubuntu ISO檔的SMP程式.

不然不太建議用一般CPU跑F@H的CPU程式, 不如拿來跑WCG還比較穩定又實在.

astrolee53 2009-07-18 08:28 PM


仔細一看是新的紅寶石徽章 Ruby Badge


SHINN 2009-07-18 09:36 PM

仔細一看是新的紅寶石徽章 Ruby Badge

What is a Project Badge?
What is a Project Badge? A Project Badge is an acknowledgement of the contribution that a member has made to one of the research projects running at World Community Grid. All available badges may be viewed here.

A badge appears as a image for a member on their My Grid page, the Member Information page and next to their name in the forums. A badge is awarded to a member based upon how much computer processing time they have contributed to the project.

There are 6 levels of badges for run time donated to each research project and each is denoted by a different color background:

* Bronze - 14 days
* Silver - 45 days
* Gold - 90 days
* Ruby - 180 days
* Emerald - 1 year
* Sapphire - 2 years

astrolee53 2009-07-18 10:01 PM

瞭了 :ase

謝謝 SHINN 大 :)

ExtremeTech 2009-07-18 10:29 PM


Raziel 2009-07-19 12:08 AM

很早就在猜 Badge制度一定要再上拉更高的門檻給成員挑戰並增加黏滯性,

區區90天就到頂的金牌實在太小兒科, 果然現在就出了六級, 這樣以後可以慢慢爬了.

不知道那天會不會有要累積五年 十年以上的那種 鑽石級.....:flash:

ExtremeTech 2009-07-19 01:06 PM

很早就在猜 Badge制度一定要再上拉更高的門檻給成員挑戰並增加黏滯性,

區區90天就到頂的金牌實在太小兒科, 果然現在就出了六級, 這樣以後可以慢慢爬了.

不知道那天會不會有要累積五年 十年以上的那種 鑽石級.....:flash:

哪天 Intel把80核心處理器完成



SHINN 2009-07-29 05:30 AM

算起來應該這幾天dddt Phase 1就要結束了.


Greetings everyone,

Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Phase 1 is almost complete!!!! biggrin

I have loaded in the last new work from the researchers last night. I am estimating that new work for DDD-T will last for about 12 days. This means that after all of the new work has been sent out, members with DDD-T selected as their only project may start seeing "No new work available for the projects selected". It will take about 10-14 days after that last new work unit has been sent to actually return all of the results to the researchers. This is due to make up work units being sent out to additional hosts for calculations.

Thank you for contributing towards this project as of this posting over 11261 years of CPU time have been completed!


(Note: these numbers are just estimates and may be off by a day or so).

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