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- 社會時事發言區
- - 住美國的網友對川普這號人物若當上美國總統有何感想?
https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1896967218522669403 台詞、手勢動作、後製放進來的影片都完全一致....... :jolin: :jolin: :jolin: |
美國總統川普提名的國防部次長人選柯伯吉 (Elbridge Colby)周二說, 台灣需要大幅提高國防支出到約占國內生產毛額(GDP)10%,以遏阻與對岸的戰爭。 路透5日報導,柯伯吉警告,台灣現在國防開支「遠低於」GDP的3%,做得太少。 他比在參議院確可聽證會上說:「他們應該把如10%,或起碼在那個範圍內, 真正致力國防。所以我們需要適當地激勵他們。」 伯吉告訴美國參議院軍事委員會,縱使台灣的地位對美國來說並不「存在」, 但卻對華府有重要的國家安全利益。他強調, 「失去台灣,台灣垮台對美國利益來說都是災難」。 |
不討價還價就是被小看,現在美機電外,又嫌軍費太少 |
「America is back」
「We have accomplished more in 43 days than most administrations accomplished in four years or eight years. And we are just getting started,」 重罪犯去國會唬爛第一段話就開始唬爛,43天能把世界搞亂也不簡單 :laugh: |
https://x.com/danzwku/status/1897147473048821830 Republican Senator Dan Sullivan calls out the KMT ! "It's the KMT ... they're playing a dangerous game. On their defense budget. If anyone from Taiwan is watching this hearing ... they need to be ... they need to realize they're playing a dangerous game. Cutting defense spending right now is not the right signal. We all agree with that." |
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/fllojVSmsOE Trump Calls Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas! Then she Rage Claps 👏 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
在國情咨文期間,民主黨眾議員Al Green一直不肯坐下,並高舉拐杖向川普大聲嗆聲,結果台上的眾議院議長強森宣布維持秩序,並下令國會警衛將他帶出去:
https://nypost.com/2025/03/04/us-ne...-raucous-delay/ Dem Rep. Al Green wields cane, booted from Trump’s address to Congress after raucous delay 我到現在還是不能理解,怎麼德州會有選區選出這種眾議員?!....... :jolin: :jolin: :jolin: 然後CNN那邊做的民調顯示,有壓倒性比例的觀眾認為該名議員的行徑實在是太不恰當了: https://x.com/ACTBrigitte/status/1897161287446200447 80% of viewers tonight believe Al Green's behavior was inappropriate. Another example of the Democrats taking the 20% side on an 80/20 issue. |
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-...ress-poll-2025/ Poll on Trump's 2025 joint address to Congress finds large majority of viewers approve 認可的比例居然達76%?不會是CBS藉機示好,爭取川普告他們的案子能和解吧? :) :) :) |
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