- 七嘴八舌異言堂
- - 以巴衝突:哈馬斯發動突襲,以色列宣佈進入戰爭狀態
UN condemns attacks on civilians in Israel and Gaza The United Nations has “unequivocally condemned” attacks on civilians in Israel and Gaza, and also Israel’s “further tightening of the unlawful blockade,” in a statement released Thursday. The killings and hostage-taking by Hamas "constitute heinous violations of international law and international crimes, for which there must be urgent accountability,” the statement read. There is no justification for such violence in Israel or Gaza, the statement said. The UN also focused on the plight of Palestinians in Gaza. “We also strongly condemn Israel’s indiscriminate military attacks against the already exhausted Palestinian people of Gaza, comprising over 2.3 million people, nearly half of whom are children. They have lived under unlawful blockade for 16 years, and already gone through five major brutal wars, which remain unaccounted for,” they said. “This amounts to collective punishment.” The experts also warned the withholding of essential supplies, such as food, water and medicine, will “precipitate a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where its population is now at inescapable risk of starvation.” They called for the establishment of humanitarian corridors to allow people to leave Gaza. The UN urged the international community to “address the root causes of the current conflict, including the 56-year-old occupation and the annexation pursued by Israel.” |
眼盲? 還是腦袋只看自己幻想的?
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 舔共仔可以不要這麼沒底線嗎? 一下反美,一下又舔美國的片段新聞 舔共舔到舌頭打結,精神錯亂嗎? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
以納對敘利亞的大馬士革和阿勒頗機場發動攻擊 , 據初步消息這兩個空港都已暫停運營.
每年在紀念228 白色恐怖的人卻大力支持以色列的惡行. |
然後伊朗外長的專機剛好要降落大馬士革機場,就遇上以色列的攻擊,結果放棄降落,轉身逃回伊朗去: https://twitter.com/visegrad24/stat...433956002415024 但是據稱這個專機可不是只有外長這麼簡單: https://twitter.com/BabakTaghvaee1/...435395093238115 上面還有幾名伊朗革命衛隊軍官成員,其中有聖城旅指揮官,還有搭載10噸重武器,包括用來支援真主黨的反裝甲飛彈等。 :shock: :shock: :shock: |
所以摩薩德又醒了? :laugh: |
前面就講過了, 這種地區衝突從來都是比誰拳頭大、靠山高, 一開始是阿拉伯對以色列圍著打, 而且是建國隔天馬上開打, 以色列是遵循著聯合國的決議去執行(盡管他們也不滿意), 而阿拉伯一方完全不想理聯合國決議, 一心只想滅了以色列, 到底是誰不講理?是誰想搞擴張? 戰爭失敗的一方、而且還是主動攻擊的一方, 付出代價不是天經地義嗎? 當初想憑拳頭大吃掉對方的阿拉伯反倒怪以色列擴張?還不講武德? :laugh: :laugh: 天主教等等的教會對猶太教的迫害是連天主教教宗都承認的事, 不需要扯什麼教義,自己去猶太教的教堂請教,這不需要再多講了 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E7%...%A4%AA%E6%95%99 引用:
對了, 你也少在我頭上扣什麼帽子, 我也只是在跟你講理、就事論事, 大部份都是網路上搜尋得來的知識 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B...%88%98%E4%BA%89 |
看到支持俄羅斯跟中國的黃俄孝子們齊聲譴責以色列也很有趣。 :o |
幾次圍毆,結果以色列控制區域反而越打越大,對這群阿拉伯國家真的是無無語。 :o |
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