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- - [PCDVD團隊] WCG計劃討論簽到處
BOINC代表所有有使用BOINC程式的人裡你的排名 BOINC是一個跨專案的程式 WCG只是底下的其中一個專案 以下是BOINC所包含的專案(其中World Community Grid就是我們正在參加的WCG) ABC@home ABC@home beta APS@Home BBC Climate Change BOINC Alpha Test BRaTS@Home BURP Chess960@Home Climate Prediction Cosmology@Home DepSpid Docking@Home Einstein@Home Eternity2.net HashClash Leiden Classical LHC@Home Malaria Control Nano-Hive@Home Pirates@Home Predictor@Home PrimeGrid Project Neuron Proteins@home PS3GRID QMC@Home RALPH@Home Rectilinear Crossing No. RieselSieve Rosetta@Home SciLINC Seasonal Attribution SETI@Home SETI@Home Beta SHA 1 Collision Search SIMAP Spinhenge@home Superlink@Technion SZTAKI Desktop Grid Tanpaku The Lattice Project TMRL DRTG uFluids VTU@Home WEP-M+2 Project World Community Grid XtremLab yoyo@home |
大意是wcg確定未來的走向將會變成以boinc平台為主 慢慢捨棄本來的ud平台 現有的ud平台可運行"fightAIDS@Home"和"Human Proteome Folding 2 "這兩種任務 等這兩種任務結束後即會取消ud平台的運作 預計時間是到2007年底 最遲不會超過2008年中即會完成所有使用者平台的轉換 之後將不會有可在ud平台使用的任務 之後全部改成使用boinc平台 大家之前所算的成積仍會累計 只是平台轉往boinc而已 所以大家不如就趁現在一起轉換平台到boinc吧 遲早都要換的 以下是原文 -- BOINC Migration Announcement Reply with Quote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- World Community Grid is pleased to announce our BOINC migration plan. BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Networking Computing) is a software platform for volunteer computing and desktop grid computing. World Community Grid members currently have the option of participating using either the United Devices (UD) or BOINC clients. While approximately 67% of devices are running on UD and 33% on BOINC at this time, this mix is changing with a greater proportion of new devices registering using BOINC (80%) than UD (20%). The UD software helped launch World Community Grid with MetaProcessor 3.0. However, this version is no longer being supported by United Devices. Over the past 18 months we’ve been developing our BOINC strategy to ensure a secure, trouble free and user friendly environment for World Community Grid. As part of this planning, you may have noticed many BOINC enhancements and new functionality on World Community Grid including: the BOINC simple GUI, the results status page, the ability to conduct large scale Beta testing with volunteers, the ability to select preferred projects, and the ability to control the CPU throttle via the website. We would like to announce, effective immediately, that World Community Grid is migrating fully to BOINC. BOINC is a vibrant open source platform and should provide many years of service to World Community Grid. Elements of the migration plan are as follows: UD Platform: 1. World Community Grid’s two active projects, FightAIDS@Home and Human Proteome Folding 2, will continue to run on UD (in addition to BOINC). 2. Our plan is to run these projects on UD at least through the end of 2007 but no later than mid-2008. 3. No new projects will be available on the UD platform. 4. Before the end of October 2007, we plan to remove UD as one of the registration options. BOINC Platform: 1. FightAIDS@Home and Human Proteome Folding 2 will run on BOINC until each of these projects end (in addition to running on UD). 2. All new projects will be available on BOINC Windows, Linux, and Mac. Migration from UD to BOINC: World Community Grid is asking members with devices on UD to begin migrating to BOINC at their convenience. The steps involved in migrating from UD to BOINC are as follows: 1. At the present time: a. Uninstall UD: Right click on World Community Grid’s icon in the lower right corner of your desktop tray and select "Exit.” This will stop the agent. Then you should be able to use the Windows Add/Remove program to remove “World Community Grid Agent”. b. Register on BOINC: • Go to World Community Grid’s home page and make sure that you are signed in. • Click on the Join Now button. • On the download page, the "BOINC for Windows" has been preset as the default. Scroll down and press the "continue" button. • Follow the installer instructions. 2. After we modify the installer: To simplify the migration from UD to BOINC, World Community Grid is modifying the installer to automatically uninstall UD from the device being registered as part of the BOINC registration. This feature should be available prior to the end of September, 2007 and will provide an easier migration path for members. We will let members know that this is available via the forum and a newsletter. Mass Installations: Members who have multiple devices installed on UD will be provided with documentation about how to do a mass-installation using BOINC. This document will be posted to the website prior to the end of October, 2007. Communications: The BOINC migration will be communicated to all members through a number of vehicles. It will be described through World Community Grid’s newsletter, which will be published in September of 2007. The newsletter article about the migration will target UD members and will provide them with information on migrating themselves to BOINC. After September, 2007, we will continue to mention the migration in all World Community Grid email communications until all members are off of UD or until UD is no longer supported on World Community Grid. During the first half of 2008, we also will send periodic reminders to members still returning results on UD that they need to migrate to BOINC. This communication will tell them the name of the computers running UD and the time that the last result was returned. Information about BOINC: Comprehensive information about the BOINC client was published in the March 2007 newsletter . You can review this information here. |
可是BOINC的記憶體使用率讓我orz 太高了啦>"< |
我一直無法登入BOINC的網頁 |
灌了好多台UD的電腦, 不就要全部手動移掉, 工程浩大...orz
你的記憶體裝很少嗎?這陣子記憶體很便宜,考慮加一些吧 |
一直就想加入, 總算是有點了解, 加入成功 ! 想多花一點時間多了解這個有意義的活動 我的配備: e6320 , RAM DDRII667 1GX2 真的很高興加入成功!! |
雖然配備簡陋, 加減跑 帶上鋼盔往前衝 !! |
不是我裝很少 而是我吃很大XD 然後BOINC再吃下來我就爆了........ |
如果你有加入不同計畫,胖的會表列出來。 |
所有的時間均為GMT +8。 現在的時間是10:46 PM. |
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