- 社會時事發言區
- - 住美國的網友對拜登這號人物當上美國總統後有何感想?
https://x.com/Not_the_Bee/status/1877461717933801567 The scariest part of this woke nonsense is when she admits she’s not strong enough to carry a man out of a fire, but it’s really the man’s fault for being in that situation to begin with. 不夠強壯不是他的錯,誰叫你一開始要待在那個環境。 https://x.com/GPrime85/status/1877761960852218020 |
Morgan Freeman繼續把洛杉磯野火責任怪罪到川普身上:
https://x.com/mjfree/status/1877471941176512977 喔,我該講清楚,他不是演員Morgan Freeman,而是個專門反川的小王八蛋,結果推特上就因這個同名同姓而火熱起來。 |
這個叫Morgan J. Freeman... :laugh: :o :p |
https://x.com/nicksortor/status/1877844166094516378 🚨 JUST IN: Major radio stations here in Los Angeles are publicly calling for Mayor Karen Bass to be REMOVED These fires have really woken Californians! “Our city has been left in crisis. Water supplies strained, billions of taxpayer dollars misallocated, countless lives lost… yet Mayor Bass has been ABSENT, choosing to travel abroad.” RECALL KAREN BASS! 不過我是蠻悲觀的,根據加州人的尿性,就算真的把這個Karen給罷免了,他們還是會補選出另外一個民主黨的Karen,繼續這個惡性循環。 :unbelief: :unbelief: :unbelief: |
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/is...g-from-reporter 'Is now the right time ... to fight Donald Trump?': CA House speaker dodges fiery questioning from reporter 緊急召開臨時會,就只為了繼續在法律層面上準備對付川普執政,這件事情遠比安置災民還要重要。 :unbelief: :unbelief: :unbelief: |
說是嫌犯縱火時,被居民發現抓住報警。 是回到過去還是未來,也喬太久了吧。 |
https://x.com/stellaaaaaax/status/1877877811517530563 YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP. Gavin Newsom bitching on live TV about Trump not having visited Los Angeles this week despite the fact that Trump isn’t even in office and BIDEN IS STILL PRESIDENT. Reprehensible. 川普去了有啥用?他講的你又不接受。 :unbelief: :unbelief: :unbelief: |
如果是Woodland Hills事件,警方已宣布嫌疑人與火災無關。下面新聞在報導的末尾有報道。 報導野火…記者兒時故居也燒到剩廢墟 見慘狀不禁哭出來 https://www.worldjournal.com/wj/story/121618/8483713 |
加州的保險業主管,現在才下這個命令: https://www.aol.com/news/insurance-...-200717540.html Insurance commissioner issues moratorium on home policy cancellations in fire zones 有人揭露,這個保險業主管也是非常非常地DEI: https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1878227023266476300 :unbelief: :unbelief: :unbelief: |
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