- 七嘴八舌異言堂
- - 林書豪為何會變成這樣?
會紅指的是會成為明星球員, 但紅成現在這樣也是沒想過。 另外一個神準是Greg Oden, 他在打NCAA總決賽時, 我就說他跑步樣子怪怪的, 不會腳有問題吧? |
熊熊想到,出國不是用中華民國護照 就不會被除籍吧 |
你行 請列出今年NCAA的未來巨星 之後每年列幾個潛力新秀 然後用時間來證明 籃球看的多就一定懂籃球的多?? 麻煩你來打臉一下我 多少NCAA新秀後來鳥掉 笑死人了 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
如果用這種角度看教練 那張忠謀可能在你眼中也是運氣好罷了 :flash: :flash: :flash: |
我有說這些濫用健保的華人都不回台灣嗎? 他們聰明的很 沒疫情時 每兩年都會回台灣一趟 我只說他們不退健保 保最低保費 :flash: :flash: :flash: :flash: |
不用舉張啦 NBA當教練本來也是需要運氣,選錯隊可能就臭掉 前教練是人和差,被高層弄走不是帶隊不行 Kerr是真的運氣好接手滿等帳號,當初選錯對他就是老魚:laugh: 帶隊期間,我疼和西瓜布朗在他請病假時候也是讓球隊打很好 破連勝紀錄是我疼期間,那年最佳教練就有人說該頒給我疼 :laugh: 布朗在他生病期間季後賽一路帶到打冠軍,他也急著回來割稻尾 |
坐漁船偷渡嗎? 正常從海關進出,進來的時候用那國護照,出去也要用同一本才出的去 引用:
這是健保局與執政當局的不作為的問題。 1.在台灣工作的用工作收入級距來繳健保費,在海外當然也要正常回來報稅,才能加入健保。 現在台灣銀行開戶,已經不只要申報是否有美國國籍,連澳洲都已經入列....全球追稅已經是一可不可逆的趨勢,政府還在睡覺,放任銀行單邊提供資料給外國 2.無法提供稅籍收入的地區,就統一一個級別,以這群人消耗的今年總健保費來衡量該繳明年多少健保費(繳費與使用費盡量平衡就好)。 台灣的總體醫療院所能有更大的營業額,對於住台灣本地是有益處,重點是這些人的收費支出要能打平支出,不要去污名化海外回來看病的人 澳洲這邊健保需要負擔自費跟台灣差不多,沒什麼誘因需要特別搭飛機回去看病,認識不少台灣人兩邊都保有健保,只是在兩邊旅行中萬一有狀況可以有個保險。澳洲、法國這些當地有健全健保制度的國家,這些人的繳費其實是貢獻健保的。 米國那邊就真的是....又強勢率先全球徵稅 大陸台商這個應該是健保海外最大漏洞(人數最多,又不用收入來衡量級距).... :think: |
以前只要繳幾個月復保保費就可以看健保時候 我丈母娘在台北戶政事務所當志工 就看到有旅外華人回來復保 問理由就說要來看病 這就好像車子平常不保險 要出險時在投保 WTF? 台灣的健保比較像是社會福利 沒在台灣生活(一年超過180天)跟報稅的人 其實根本不能使用健保 這些是因為健保局跟立院諸公就是怠惰 只知道抽補充保費的血 真的是OOXX :think: :think: :think: :think: |
2009 年 curry 的 BLEACHER REPORT
"I know that this is stating the obvious, but Curry's game centers around his shot—which is as pure a stroke as I have ever seen. If you allow Curry to catch-and-shoot with his feet set and his shoulders square, he is automatic out to about 30 feet (literally). He also has an incredibly quick trigger, which allows him to get his shot off even when he is defended well. Curry has a great basketball IQ and truly understands how to run off screens and create space off the ball. But Curry's physical limitations probably mean he is going to end up as more of a point/combo guard than a pure two. He doesn't have the size, the strength, or the lateral quickness/athleticism to defend shooting guards in the league (he does, however, have a knack for disrupting the passing lanes as he averaged almost three thefts per). He is also going to run into some issues at the point as well. His first step leaves much to be desired, and it more than likely will mean that Curry will have problems beating NBA points off the dribble." "Curry did, however, prove himself to be an excellent ball handler in his one season running the show for Davidson. He can handle the ball with either hand and has a variety of fakes and hesitation moves that he can use to keep defenders off balance and help him create space and get a look off the dribble. Perhaps his most telling stat was his assist: turnover ratio—even with the ball in his hands nearly every possession (as a playmaker and not just a scorer), Curry doubled his assist numbers while only slightly increasing his turnovers. Shooting off the dribble is something Curry was forced to do quite a bit this past season, and he proved to be pretty good. He can pull-up going in either direction, and he has a lightening quick and absolutely deadly step-back in his repertoire when going left." https://bleacherreport.com/articles...-curry-davidson 除了未來發展前無古人跟規則改變一樣根本 "無法預測" 以外, 其他的優缺點都是 spot on. 其實有在注意他的應該都可以知道. |
就拿勇士懷斯曼來說 我相信當年的報告也很正面 歷年來的NBA選秀前幾名 我相信報告上也寫的洋洋灑灑 都是正面的 實際如何還是要上場打一陣子才會知道撿到寶還是撿到拉機 :ase :ase :ase :ase |
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