- 社會時事發言區
- - 俄羅斯16日攻打烏克蘭?!
中日同盟,這是什麼幻想? :unbelief:
這比亞元還困難吧! |
布里辛斯基 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E5%...%96%AF%E5%9F%BA 布里辛斯基說的 |
https://youtu.be/8f8hpZZtgkU?si=IQdA5ETlvWIwxUZj :think: :think: :think: :think: :think: |
烏軍還真的配合抽兵過來吃炸彈並在沃爾臣斯克渡河建立北方克林基 , 這讓俄軍能夠在其他戰線探出兵力薄弱處爽爽推 , 連續拿下數個定居點 https://t.me/rybar/60641 |
一名來自頓涅茨克的陣亡烏克蘭士兵的母親,用她的國家賠償為烏克蘭軍方購買了 60 架新的自殺式無人機。
這位母親向烏軍捐贈了250萬格裡夫納,約合6.1萬美元,表達了她希望繼續兒子收回頓涅茨克的願望。 她表示 「(我想)買一些可以繼續我兒子工作的東西。他夢想著回到他自由的家鄉 這筆捐款使人們能夠購買 60 架 DARTS 打擊無人機、四架彈射器和兩架中繼器。 這些由烏克蘭制造商生產的先進無人機,可攜帶 4 公斤彈頭,以 50 公裡/小時的速度,擊中最遠 160 公裡外的目標. 據烏克蘭工作人員聲稱 這些無人機將交付給烏第 92 獨立突擊旅和第 93 獨立機械化旅 |
然後這批無人機,上戰場打掛徵召來的鵝少年兵,讓他們的老木在暗夜哭泣 :cry: |
這個買無人機的故事 說不定只是大內宣而已 是不是真的有人捐錢其實不重要 因為赫里夫尼亞沒人要收 烏克蘭要買無人機還是要用美元、歐元、人民幣 |
你應該學學烏克蘭老母親... 看看你,叫你捐點錢給站長,牽拖一大堆... :jolin: :jolin: :jolin: |
四處抓砲灰還不夠填線 , 連烏美雙重國籍的也得上
:eek: 記得國安局有位烏克蘭人 , 我們怎麼沒送過去呢? :rolleyes: https://ua.usembassy.gov/message-fo...izen-departure/ The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv understands that, effective June 1, Ukraine has eliminated a “residence abroad” exception that previously allowed certain Ukrainian males aged 18 to 60 to depart the country. After this change, U.S.-Ukrainian dual citizens, including those who live in the United States, may no longer be able to depart the country. Ukrainian law does not recognize dual citizenship. U.S.-Ukrainian dual citizens are therefore treated solely as Ukrainian citizens while in Ukraine and are subject to the rights and obligations of Ukrainian citizens. Under Ukraine’s martial law, men between the ages of 18 and 60 are not permitted to leave the country. Previously, dual U.S.-Ukrainian citizens in this group could enter and then depart Ukraine if they had deregistered their Ukrainian residency and registered their U.S. residency. According to our information, this exception was revoked as of June 1. |
怎對得起 大溪那兩團臘肉 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
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