
PCDVD¼Æ¦ì¬ì§Þ°Q½×°Ï (https://www.pcdvd.com.tw/index.php)
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-   -   [PCDVD¹Î¶¤] WCG­p¹º°Q½×ñ¨ì³B (https://www.pcdvd.com.tw/showthread.php?t=715677)

Raziel 2011-12-01 07:47 PM

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supstring 2011-12-01 08:23 PM


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Raziel 2011-12-01 10:09 PM

12¤ë¤@¸¹ ¬O¥@¬É·R´þ¤é, WCG¤]¦³live webcastªº¬¡°Ê³á~ Ãö¤ßFightAIDS@Home

On December 1, 2011 Dr. Alex Perryman from The Scripps Research Institute will be giving an update on the FightAIDS@Home project via live webcast.

World AIDS Day was created over 20 years ago to help raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, and the millions of people suffering with this deadly disease.

On this World AIDS Day, December 1, 2011, you're invited to participate in a live webcast to hear an overview and update on World Community Grid's FightAIDS@Home project. The event will be hosted by Dr. Alex Perryman from The Scripps Research Institute.

Since 2005, World Community Grid has had the great opportunity to support the pioneering research underway at The Scripps Research Institute to advance the discovery of drugs which have the potential to inhibit HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

The webcast will take place on December 1, 2011, starting promptly at 3:00PM Eastern Time (USA), which is 20:00 Coordinated Universal Time. Please join a few minutes early so that you're sure not to miss anything.

Participants can listen to Dr. Perryman while viewing an on-screen presentation. Time permitting, you will be able to ask questions via a text chat interface and Dr. Perryman will try to answer them.

Access to the webcast:
You can access the live webcast via this link: https://apps.lotuslive.com/meetings/join?id=0327108

Check your computer's browser:
You can check to see if your computer is ready for the webcast via this link: https://www.conferenceservers.com/b...=LLENGAGE_EN-US

After the webcast, we will post the recording of the webcast on YouTube, in the World Community Grid News & Update section.

s860355 2011-12-15 11:50 AM


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Raziel 2011-12-15 03:11 PM


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0660817 2012-01-24 12:26 AM

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Raziel 2012-03-02 11:56 AM

WCG¦³¤F·sªº¥ô°È, ¦U¦ìbadge hunter©Î¬O¦³¿³½ìªº¶¤¤Í¥i¥H¬Ý¬Ý³o­Ó±M®×

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We are excited to announce that World Community Grid has launched a new project called;

Say No to Schistosoma!

Schistosomiasis is a tropical disease transmitted by freshwater snails. The disease kills 200,000 people each year and affects over 207 million people in 74 countries. Schistosomiasis is second only to malaria in its socioeconomic devastation, and to date, there are no available vaccines to prevent the disease.

Researchers at the Inforium University in Belo Horizonte and FIOCRUZ-Minas, Brazil, are using World Community Grid to search for chemical compounds which may lead to new drugs for treating this terrible disease.

Please join us and donate your unused computer time to aide in identifying potential drug candidates that could possibly be developed into treatments for schistosomiasis.

To verify if you are contributing, or to start contributing, to this project, please click here

Thank you,

The World Community Grid Team


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WCG (¥@¬É¤½¦@¬]®æ¶¤)

ExtremeTech 2012-03-21 11:21 PM






0660817 2012-04-22 01:05 PM

Computing for Sustainable Water

Information about this project is provided on the web pages below and by the project scientists on the Computing for Sustainable Water website. If you have comments or questions about this project, please visit the Computing for Sustainable Water forum.

The mission of the Computing for Sustainable Water project is to study the effects of human activity on a large watershed and gain deeper insights into what actions can lead to restoration, health and sustainability of this important water resource. The extensive computing power of World Community Grid will be used to perform millions of computer simulations to better understand the effects that result from a variety of human activity patterns in the Chesapeake Bay area. The researchers hope to be able to apply what is learned from this project across the globe to other regions which face challenges of sustainable water.

Water is the most abundant resource on Earth, yet the world faces many challenging water-related problems. Among them is the management of its freshwater resources. More than 1.2 billion people lack access to clean, safe water. This problem is becoming more critical in the world as the proportion of people living in dense urban environments rises. The resulting demands for water contend with increasing human activities which degrade the quality of available water. A complex set of interrelated forces makes the problem difficult to address, much less to solve effectively via coordinated policy.

The University of Virginia developed a participatory simulation model of the Chesapeake Bay, the UVa Bay Game® (www.virginia.edu/baygame), incorporating natural elements and human activity using game players representing crop farmers, land developers, watermen, and assorted regulators. The UVa Bay Game has been successful in providing a learning platform for conveying the issues of complex watershed behavior and management. But to better understand the complex natural and human dynamics at work in this complex system, a much more detailed simulation model was developed to run on World Community Grid. Each of many millions of computer simulations, using unique combinations of a wide variety of assumptions about the natural and human actions at play, will calculate the resulting effects on the watershed. Exploring these many results, the researchers expect to develop insight into how these assumptions affect the overall health of the Chesapeake Bay. With these insights, the researchers will be able to better inform policy makers and suggest how prudent actions can lead to water restoration and sustainability. The ultimate goal is to eventually apply this knowledge and the techniques learned with the Computing for Sustainable Water project to other watersheds around the world.
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Raziel 2012-04-26 02:47 PM

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