- 社會時事發言區
- - 俄羅斯16日攻打烏克蘭?!
:rolleyes: Estonia PM Kallas under pressure to quit over husband's Russia ties https://www.reuters.com/world/europ...ies-2023-08-25/ |
布丁帝周五簽署總統令要求境内所有“准軍事組織”向國旗效忠並接受國防部領導。 :o
普里格津亡後 蒲亭下令瓦格納傭兵宣誓效忠俄羅斯 普京簽署總統令:準軍事組織成員必須向國旗宣誓 除了瓦格納 俄羅斯準軍事民兵知多少 除了瓦格納,俄羅斯還有大大小小至少十多個准軍事組織/私人武裝團體。 |
傭兵組織從向普丁或某個人效忠 改為效忠國家 普丁是想要完成這個轉型吧 :rolleyes: 之前要求瓦格納跟國防部簽約 現在是簽約事件的後續 |
國民黨有做過 很快就會迎來一波新世界 |
連普丁要什麼都讓你知道了, 普廷是寫信給你證明他只要烏克蘭東部? 還是 你做夢夢到了 我還看過蒲亭上媒體公開說他對烏克蘭領土沒興趣呢 |
也許在布丁帝心目中烏東真的不是烏克蘭領土, 衹是大俄羅斯暫時借出去的。 :rolleyes: |
人命不如無人機 , 請用肉偵.
:rolleyes: How the U.S. sees Ukraine’s push: No stalemate, but no breakthrough https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...3d6oaCnMCWNQc80 Pentagon officials have also urged Ukraine to rely less on drones for battlefield awareness and more on ground reconnaissance forces, which can assess Russian positions better. And they have pressed Kyiv to give junior officers more latitude to exploit opportunities along the sprawling front. Ukraine and its supporters continue to plead for long-range missiles, known as ATACMS, that could hit deep behind Russian lines. But the Pentagon continues to resist, largely because officials fear the United States doesn’t have enough ATACMS to supply Ukraine without undercutting its own readiness for any future conflict with China. Ukraine has entered a season of discontent, with recriminations on all sides, because of the sluggish counteroffensive. But this war is far from over. |
烏克蘭擬明年大選 澤倫斯基連任呼聲高
https://udn.com/news/story/122663/7400677 流亡境外二千多萬的烏克蘭難民,呼聲響徹雲霄 :shock: :shock: :shock: 戰時改選難 烏國盼歐美解囊 https://udn.com/news/story/122663/7400688 澤倫斯基表示,承平時期舉行選舉,經費約烏克蘭幣五十億(約台幣四十一億元),「我不知道戰時得花多少錢,所以我告訴他,如果美國和歐洲提供財政支持。我不會拿買武器的錢去辦選舉,法律有明文規定」。 又是伸手討錢,講廣東話的老廢是時候該展示孝心惹... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: |
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