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Nutritious Rice for the World 稻米專案剩下6-7天的新WU殘量,
http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/f...ffset,20#271819 |
我特意地去調收Nutritious Rice for the World, 把緩衝時間調高為10天 結果它竟還沒算完原先的work就先去執行最後下載的了?!寫「執行中,高優先權」 :jolin: 把最後那兩個先暫止以先跑算舊的兩個, 但當它跑完後, 繼續剛才的「高優先權」work 又不去跑它 :stupefy: 剛才去看它, 竟累積了4個「等待執行」的work, 而稍後兩個在跑的其中一個完成後, 它又讓一個變為「等待執行」而累積到5個了 :unbelief: |
這種情況通常發生在,會發出2份以上WU上面, 當發給其他人的的那份已經運算完成,且回報伺服器, 只差前輩的那份就可以完成驗證比對時, 又剛好此時前輩的boinc又跟伺服器連線時, 前輩的尚未運算完的那份就會被伺服器標記為高優先權, boinc就會優先運算。 |
Dear Contributor/Innovator,
Just wanted to let you know how your donated computer cycles are helping improve the planet. FightAIDS@Home: • Scripps Research Institute scientists recently found two compounds that will lead to new treatments for drug-resistant HIV strains • The Grid is also being used to conduct virtual screening experiments to develop a new class of HIV inhibitors Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2: • The University of Texas Medical Branch has just launched an exciting project on the grid to identify promising drugs to combat Dengue and other related viruses • Phase 2 of the project is designed to reduce the number of Phase 1 false positives (i.e., dead ends) • As a result, Phase 2 will be much more productive, efficient, and rewarding • Sign up to contribute to this project! Here is more information about FightAIDS@Home, Discover Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2, or other projects running on World Community Grid. Thanks again for donating your computer time to help with these terrific projects. Please let a friend know about the World Community Grid - we need all the computing power we can get to keep doing this important work. The World Community Grid Team If you wish to unsubscribe to this and all future emails from World Community Grid please click here. FightAIDS@Home: 有些新進展 參考囉 Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2 Project 第二階段分數給較多的分 ?--> As a result, Phase 2 will be much more productive, efficient, and rewarding |
從圖表中看,到目前為止只發了23年的的工作量, 即使真的產分較多,影響也是有限... :) 還有dddt2 看起來今年9月就要結束了? 另一個好消息: https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.o...ad_thread,28740 Help Conquer Cancer專案有機會透過新的演算法讓研究速度加倍.. |
現在不知道當初註冊的帳號密碼(倒地) :jolin: |
WCG 的伺服器有沒問題?!
今天收到3個DDDT2 的Work 但下載檔案中途失敗似的而一直重試 :jolin: 但其它Work 完成而上載很順暢... |
而且超過了100% 仍在下載中 :jolin:
賀一下自己路過40,000,000積點里程碑~ :D
Help Conquer Cancer 每個Work 只要跑1小時44分鐘左右?! DDDT2 目前被暫止了?! 被列入Intermittent Projects?! 最近發現收到一些回報期限不到五天的Work?! 當時DDDT2 就是這樣, 而後來仍有一些明明期限早很多, 但卻不先去算它的... :jolin: |
所有的時間均為GMT +8。 現在的時間是01:53 PM. |
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