- 系統組件
- - [PCDVD團隊] WCG計劃討論簽到處
恭喜iabuw前輩!! :like: 接下來iabuw前輩願意的話, 可以到WCG的官網中 My Profile(我的概要文件)選項內, 將國別改成Taiwan, 如此一來前輩所跑的積分可以在各boinc統計網站(ex:Boincstats、All Project Stats....etc)內,併入國家積分。 :) |
我的正常 已經在使用了;) |
我記得我之前有設國家啊.............. 因為之前跑UD也是把國家設成台灣,所以當時加入WCG的時候有順手設一下國別 可是剛剛去看不知道為啥還真的跑掉了...........趕快加入台灣 感謝提醒 :cry: |
17 Feb 2010 Launch of Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2 Project Category: Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2 Tags: Project Event Summary World Community Grid is pleased to launch the Discover Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2 project by The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, Texas, USA and the University of Chicago in Illinois, USA. The mission of Discovering Dengue Drugs – Together - Phase 2 is to identify promising drug leads to combat dengue, hepatitis C, West Nile, Yellow fever, and related viruses. 以下略... |
I got it.....pretty handy. Thanks. |
Nutritious Rice for the World - 30 days left of new work
Greetings all, This is the official statement saying there is an estimated 30 days left of new work to be sent out. The project is expected to have an additional 3 weeks to clean up the remaining batches after that. The last batch of work units from the researchers are 00627 which has been built and loaded earlier today. Thank you again for all your help with this project! Let me know if you have any questions. -Uplinger 剩30天. |
Phase 2 的任務真的很難收到....有人收得很順的嗎? :jolin: |
應該沒有, DDDT2 下一批Type A的WU(就是需要算一兩天的那種)不知道什麼時候才會繼續發。 https://secure.worldcommunitygrid.o...ffset,20#269016 |
聯盟力量大.....其實目前日產已經進前十強 日產贏Team China 400萬, 再兩天就超車了. 中期目標應該放到BOINC平台前20強, , 長期目標是top 10. :) |
所有的時間均為GMT +8。 現在的時間是01:47 PM. |
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